Apply To Serve Me.

Take the time to fill out My form in detail, and work to make a good impression. I expect polite and concise communication.

Be thorough and articulate. I prioritize those who are respectful, and eager to please. I hold high expectations for those given the opportunity to submit, as I desire long term D/S connections.

My Process


After my team and I have reviewed your application, I will email you if I think we are a good fit and we will set up a Zoom consultation for us. If you do not have Zoom, please let my team know and we can discuss alternatives. You will then be sent an invitation. Please RSVP for that time slot and be ON TIME.

This consultation will be approximately 30 min. I will have my full face in frame and will enjoy seeing you for the first time as well. During this consult, we will have lots of fun discussing the information in your application. I will ask many questions and will have a blast getting into your head.

The fee for this consultation is $50 and is to be paid by an agreed upon method 12 hours or more prior to you scheduled consultation.


If we determine that we are a match, my staff will schedule an initial in person session and the real fun begins!